Design Examples

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The examples in this section are a general guide to how the visual components can be used to create a consistent look and feel across all marketing and communications materials.

Graphic Elements

All of our graphic elements are derived from the shapes in the logo mark and they are used to enhance the look and feel of existing content. It is not necessary or recommended to use all of the elements together in every application.

Page Layouts

Our page layouts are designed using a modular grid, which is a structured framework that promotes consistency, alignment, and flexibility. Modular grids help to organize content, improve readability and create visually appealing compositions in various design projects.

Elements within the layout, such as photos and shapes, use rounded corners similar to the logo mark. For example, instead of using a shape with pointed corners to highlight important information, use a box with rounded corners, or pull in one of the shapes from the logo mark itself.

Shapes can contain photos, illustrations and calls-to-action. Avoid adding effects like drop shadows, inner shadows or bevels.

Creating & Using Modular Grids

  • Using an odd number of columns when possible helps to create white space.
  • Grids are based on our use of 12/18 type, 18pt = .25” and scaled up proportionately from there.
  • Use an 18pt baseline grid whenever possible, and proportionately scale up as needed for the size of the piece and smallest type used. Then construct the modular grid to align with the baseline grid.
  • For longer blocks of copy, the ideal average length of a line of body copy should aim to be somewhere between 45-90 characters.

For questions about branding or to inquire about your creative project needs, please reach out to