Typography & Usage

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Typography plays an important role in the identity of our brand and is critical to creating effective communication that is visually uniform. When used consistently, type can help to build the character of a brand.

There are three font families used to support the brand: Lexia, Altform and Noto Sans. They each have a modern basic form with high functionality across systems making for information that is crisp, clear and distinct across all organizational materials.



Lexia may be used interchangeably with Altform for titles and headlines. Since Lexia is not a free font, Noto Sans may be used as a fallback option only if both Lexia and Altform are not available.

Lexia can be used in medium, medium italic, semibold, semibold italic, bold, bold italic, xbold and xbold italic



Altform may be used interchangeably with Lexia for titles and headlines. Since Altform is not a free font, Noto Sans may be used as a fallback option only if both Lexia and Altform are not available.

Altform can be used in semibold, semibold italic, bold, bold italic, black and black italic

Noto Sans


Noto Sans should be used for all body copy. In some instances it may also be used as a fallback option for titles and headlines only when access to Lexia and Altform is not available.

Noto sans can be used in regular, regular italic, bold and bold italic
Font Downloads

Both Lexia and Altform are paid fonts that will not be available to the majority of the MaineHealth care team. We ask that you use Noto Sans in place of these fonts for titles, headlines and body copy. If your project needs additional fonts, please reach out to creative@mainehealth.org to inquire about your creative project needs.

Noto Sans is free and available to download from Google Fonts*
*All MaineHealth-issued computers should have Noto Sans installed, please reach out to IT for access if you’re not seeing it as an option.

Fallback Option: Our web-safe fallback option of Arial may be used for titles, headlines and body copy when the other fonts are not available.

Typographic Usage

The example below shows a general guide to typographic hierarchy. When using black for copy — use at 80% tint.

General guide to typographic hierarchy: Lexia medium for titles, altform bold for headlines, altform semibold for sub headlines, noto sans regular for body copy (recommended font size is no smaller than 12 point with 18 point leading) and noto sans regular for captions.

*Recommended body copy size is 12pts/18pts for optimal readability.